Ode to Letters; Engine Gallery

Ode to Letters, a declaration of love of letterformsExhibition dates: July 31 – September 19, 2015
Opening Reception July 31 from 5-8pm

Ode to Letters is a declaration of love of letterforms and a showcase of the nation’s best traditional sign painters, letterpress printers, and graffiti writers. The exhibition will feature three parts, in keeping with the traditional format of the ode, first with Strophe, Sign Painting; followed by the Antistrophe, Letterpress; and lastly the Epode: Graffiti.

The Artists include: Ryan Adams, Patrick Corrigan, Curvazoid, Kyle Durrie, Fonse, Joey Hannaford, Cassie Hester, Greg Lamarche, Learn, Link, Josh Luke, Mason Miller, Matt W. Moore, Noah, Tessa Greene O'Brien, Providence Painted Signs, Mike Rich, Will Sears, Snoeman, The Solo Artist, Starshaped Press, David Wolske.